Your outlet on mobile now..!
Get your own iOS, Android eCommerce Mobile App to have your presence online.
User friendly eCommerce website
Get your sales boosted by selling things through website to your customers .
Dashboard to manage your contents
Get full control on contents and informative reports to Web-based dashboard.
Back office operations & services
Get your back office operations and services done through us.

Take your shop online, Get your own customers...

Your own theme
Your own theme
Our flexible and secure backend system is able to work with any theme you choose(web & mobile)
+ Unlimited products
+ Unlimited products
You can go with as many products as you wish and we also support variants in products.
All payment modes
All payment modes
We support all payment modes including closed wallets, open wallets, cards and net banking and COD
Payment gateways
Payment gateways
We have made this platform to flexible enough to work with any payment gateway you want to choose.We also support international payment gateways
Delivery models
Delivery models
We support delivery models based on locations, order value, daily delivery. Our delivery model supports QR code based methodology.
Advanced search
Advanced search
Our platform provides search and filtering on all possible factors including Price, brand, ethnicities, product availability, categories, item , discounts.
Social Integration
Social Integration
Social networking and banding is now become a mandate for every business. Being online will always work as an extended arm for your business on social networks
Save & Earn extra
Save & Earn extra
Once your outlet is online , you can always have more and more direct customers connecting with you. You will be saving more as compare to you be selling through other paid platforms and save.
Promote your own
Promote your own
We give you many options to promote your business online. With this platform, you can define your own offers, own promo-codes and assign to your customers